Saturday, October 19, 2019

Self Evaluation of Personal and Academic Skills Essay

Self Evaluation of Personal and Academic Skills - Essay Example Through this I have been able to benefit from their contributions and I have also strengthened my weak academic areas. I am excellent at managing writing skills appropriately, through the use of internet and with the assistance of my lectures ,I effectively utilize my writing and reading skills to get all my assignments done .I am also highly determined an perseverance when faced with tight deadlines. I understand that my parent have made the sacrifice of taking my to college and that my future depends on my education. So I don’t give up easily but strive until I get what I want .I know how to utilize all the sources available at the school and at home, I mostly use the internet and the library whenever I am required to read more. I know that he best consultation is from my lecturers and so I approach them for clarification in case of any difficulty. Higher education learning requires a number of skills for a student to be successful, some of these skills are research and anal ysis skills, one needs to carry out several researchers both in the on the internet, in the library and in the field. This will assist the student to solve academic and even personal problems that arise during the session. A successful student needs to have good communication skills . good communication skills enables one to work with others and leads to problem solving because no man is an island on of himself. The ability to manage tasks leads to completion of assignments given at the right time and in the correct way .A higher education students also requires to have the ability to manage oneself, through discipline, proper time management, belief in oneself and good grooming and hard work , success is likely to be achieved. Further more, applying of design and creativity, working through agendas and decision making tools are needed in Higher education learning because without them , a student may find it very difficult to work in accordance with the set guidelines (Levine & Sun, 2010). From my evaluation, I realize that I am faced with a number of gaps that may pose a challenge to achieving my academic goals. One of them is poor decision making skills, I always find it difficult to arrive at a decision and stick on it for example I may decide to undertake a certain project but if convinced otherwise, I end up going for another. I also find it difficult in working out agendas; this may be due to poor time management and lack of decisiveness. Having difficulty in working out agendas is also contributed to by low levels of creativity design and layout and lack of adequate trust in myself. Section 2 Plan of Action for Improvement of Academic Skills Every individual has a set of weaknesses in regard to achieving academic success, personally I have weaknesses in decision making, working out agendas, have belief in myself and having high level of creativity I layout and design. However, I understand that I can still work towards overcoming the challenges I face. T o fill the gaps, I plan to undertake the following actions. Decision Making To improve my decision making skills ,I will carry out the following activities I will be weighing costs versus benefits Ensure that I am relaxed when making a decision Consult with my team members and always Consider alternatives before I make a decision Working out agenda To ensure that I work out all the set agendas in a timely and orderly manner,I will practice the following Improve on networking and public relations Have great

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