Friday, October 18, 2019

PUBLIC POLICY 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

PUBLIC POLICY 3000 - Essay Example The time taken for a new policy to be put in place and be fully operational may take a short time as one week, and as long as years. Public policy draws people, institutions, markets and government into familiar patterns of decision making (Althaus, Bridgman & Davis, 2013). This essentially implies that setting and administering policy are intricate as many stakeholders and players influences decisions and choices made. Preparation of a public policy is a daunting task, which calls for intense activity and coordination with other administrative and government decisions to ensure consistency. The process may take a long time as decision makers have to incorporate expert evidence, bureaucratic and political counsel, and competing interests of people affected by the policy proposal (O'Sullivan & Gibb, 2008). This discussion seeks to explore public policy on social housing in England, as well as health policy in Australia Universal health policy in Australia Australia attains universal c overage through Medicare, which is a tax financed public insurance program that covers most medical care. The universal health care also includes physician and hospital services and prescription drugs. Majority of Australian health services are funded and regulated by the central government, but territories and states have obligations for public hospital care (The commonwealth fund, 2013). In addition to Medicare, the government subsidizes private insurance, which is used by half of the Australian citizens to cover dental care costs and private hospitals (Australia Policy Online, 2013). Issues surrounding universal health policy coordination Universal health policy in Australia has been a subject of debate in the commonwealth since 1940s. The focal point of concern is the diverging interests of major stakeholders who have conflicting interests. Healthcare givers want huge profits and earnings; the government wants to maintain a tight and strict control over the money they use, where as consumers want to have quality healthcare facilities at affordable prices (Armstrong, 2007). In verity, these objectives cannot be accomplished at the same time, which heightens conflicts among stakeholders. In addition to the above controversy, Australia experiences ideological differences among its top organs of government. The liberal party in coalition with the national party takes on a liberal individualist approach. This favors least government intervention in the health policy, leaving private insurance and private medicine to take the largest role. On the other hand, the Australian labor party takes a social liberal stand, holding that health ought to be financed by the government in a bid to attain access and equity goals. Perspectives on policy implementation Australian government is faced by major challenges in implementing universal healthcare. Although Australian health system is globally ranked among the best; much needs to be done to address the concerns on a varie ty of issues. These are the health of aboriginal Australians, quality of health offered, access, equity and affordability, increase in preventable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS and complexity of health services. In addition, the strides made in the health sector that place Australia are under pressure as a result of the ageing population, the rising burden of chronic ailments

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